Monero vs Dash

January 04, 2022


With the rise of cryptocurrencies in recent years, it's become apparent that there are many factors to consider when deciding which digital asset to invest in. Two of the most popular cryptocurrencies known for their privacy features are Monero and Dash. As of today, Monero (XMR) ranks 48th by market capitalization, while Dash (DASH) ranks 105th. In this post, we'll take a closer look at Monero and Dash, compare their features, and hopefully aid you in making an informed decision.

Privacy and Anonymity

Monero and Dash both provide privacy features to their users. Monero's privacy features are more robust than Dash's, as they focus mainly on privacy and anonymity. Monero uses an obfuscation technique called "Ring Signatures" that allows its users to mix their transaction data with others to create plausible deniability.

In contrast, Dash's privacy feature is optional, and it's called "PrivateSend." PrivateSend allows users to mix their funds with others in the network, creating a more private transaction. Despite this, Dash's privacy features are not as robust as Monero's anonymity.

Mining Algorithm

Both Monero and Dash are mineable cryptocurrencies. Monero uses a mining algorithm called Cryptonight V8, which is ASIC-resistant, whereas Dash uses a hybrid Proof of Work (PoW) and Proof of Stake (PoS) consensus mechanism.

Dash's mining algorithm means that miners require specialized ASIC hardware to complete mining operations effectively. On the other hand, Monero's mining algorithm helps to maintain a level playing field, allowing its users to mine using commodity hardware.

Transaction Speed

Regarding transaction speed, Dash outshines Monero. Dash can handle up to 48 transactions per second, while Monero has a block time of 2 minutes and only handles around 6 transactions per second. However, Monero's scalability issues are being addressed with its upcoming release of the Triptych upgrade.


In terms of popularity, Dash has a larger following, with over 4,600 nodes worldwide, while Monero has around 2,500. Dash also has more merchants and services that accept it as payment compared to Monero.


In conclusion, both Monero and Dash have their strengths and weaknesses. Monero is more secure and private, appealing to those who want to keep their transactions anonymous. On the other hand, Dash is faster and more widely accepted. Whether you're an investor or a user, understanding the differences between the two can help you make a more informed decision on which cryptocurrency to invest in or use.


  1. CoinMarketCap
  2. Dash website
  3. Monero website

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